Malta 2021

Sarah and Richard Deal enjoy the delights of a classic warm water diving destination

Sarah and Richard enjoyed a great week’s diving in Malta with Maltaqua, a BSAC dive centre recommended by Johno and Cathy. Malta and the nearby islands of Gozo and Comio are a firm favourite with many Newbury Scuba Diving Club members and make a great destination for a week’s warm water diving. However, it was still a complete surprise to all when they bumped into another club member (Hilda) who was also diving that week with Maltaqua!
Maltaqua offer a range of diving from hard boat to shore diving, though be aware the shore diving can be quite challenging due to the rocky terrain. However, once in the water the amazing ‘Med blue’ is a colour you will never forget and the pleasant 27 degrees at the surface and 18 degrees at 20m makes it almost suitable for a shorty. Although the underwater scenery is stunning and there are plenty of wrecks to see (albeit most in the 25+m range), that area of the Med is quite heavily fished and there are few large fish to see. Malta still does make a great dive destination, especially after eighteen months of travel restrictions.