Red Sea Diversity – surprised even after 18 years of diving in Egypt and 398 dives logged dives there. By Hilda Crockett

M/Y Blue Fin ‘Simply the Best’ itineraries live aboard to the Brothers, Daedalus and Elphinstone – so the more remote sites, best enjoyed when you have a good few dives under your belt. So more chances of seeing the big Pelagic’s: hammerheads, grey reefs and oceanic sharks and a manta (the one I didn’t actually see!). But it is the photographs that really tell my story of the diversity that you can experience. Such as beautiful aquarium style dives with tons of schooling antheas and snappers.
My favourite: soft corals, Giant barracuda being cleaned by wrasse, cute Napoleon wrasse, and fearless turtles.
The highlight, or heart rising moment was the 3 dives we did with Oceanic White Tip Sharks on Big Brother. One of our dive guides Elke is a researcher with the Red Sea Shark Trust, you could call her a shark magnet and in all my years I have never seen these sharks so close for so long. When you jumped off the boat they arrived, when they heard the RIB they swam alongside, when you got back under the boat for your safety stop they were there.
Wonderful experiences to discuss with fellow divers over a G&T or a beer on deck on a hot summer evening. Did I mention the water was 28/29 degrees? Did I mention the oldest diver Dick was 69 and still going strong, fantastic achievement, we never skipped a dive. I recommend the Red Sea for all year round good diving, just remember to dress appropriately for the weather.